Selasa, 19 Mei 2015

Softskill B. Inggris (Part 3)

7A. How to say how people look

1.I guess I prefer the dog in number nine. Because It looks so cute. And I like it.
2.C. Researh on the appearance of dogs and their owners.
3.1. True
   2. False
   3. False
   4. True
   5. False
   6. True

4.  Photo 3 and 5 – Old man and his dog both have the same beard and it’s same colour.
5.  –
6. 1. Looks like
    2. Looks
    3. Looks like
    4. Looks
    5. Looks like
    6. Looks like

7.       –
8.       He looks unfriendly. He doesn’t look kind. He’s got high forehead . He’s probably in his mid thirties. He looks my enemy.

He looks artistic. He doesn’t look aggressive. He’s got shoulder-lenght hair. He’s probably in his seventies. He looks my neightbour.

She looks serious. She doesn’t look outgoing, She’s got wavy hair. She’s probably in her around fifty. She looks my teacher.

She looks shy. She doesn’t look confident. She’s got ginger hair. She’s probably in her mid thirties. She looks my friend.

He looks active. He doesn’t look nervous. He’s got  straight hair. He’s probably in his early twenties

7B. How to talk about fashion

1.       She always wear hijab. She’s good-looking for me.
2.       I think they are good-looking and old-fashioned.
3.       His name is Ritchie. He always wear black clothes. He is good-looking and cool. He also old-fashioned.
4.       I think the place is not good, but the people looks so cool.
5.       1. True
          2. False
          3. True
          4. True
          5. False
          6. False
     6.    2. Do the battle of designer labels
            3. I think because
     8.    1. What
            2. What
            3. How
            4. How
            5. Which
            6. Where
            7.  Why

      9.   1. I don’t know how to much an Armani suit costs
            2. I don’t know why people buy designer clothes
            3. I know what is my UK shoe size
            4. I know where my shoes were made 
            5. I don’t know how tall I am
            6. I know jeans who invited
            7. I know what colours suit me

     10. A. Do you know where my shoes were made?
           B. No, I don’t
7C.  How to talk about plnas and intentions

 Parts of the body    Exercise Activities     Body Care
 Elbow    Climbing     Comb
 Knee     Walking     Gym
 Limb     Jogging     Message
Toe      Thumb     Yoga
Haircut      Steam bath    Shave

2.  1. Do you ever jogging?
     2. Have you ever had a message ?
     3. How often do you have a yoga?
     4. Heve you ever hurt your knees?

3. Silent b : climb, limb, thumb
    Silent k : know, knife, knee
    Silent  l : calm, half, walking

4. No, it’s different with me.
5.  1. Tango dancing
     2. Makeover
     3. Pilates
     4. Thai Boxing

6.  1. Scrufy = Elegant
     2. couch potato = a person who isn’t very
     3. makeover = a complete change of style
     4. bored out of my mind = very bored
     5. refreshed = the opposite of bored

7.  1. I think ‘’makeover’’.
     2. I would enjoy doing tango
     3. I guess ‘’Thai Boxing’’

7D.  How to express guesess

1.   My bedroom is like studio music. Because there are so many posters, cassetes, guitar, speakers, etc.
2.   Yes. I do agree.
3.   1. There are men’s clothes hanging behind the bed
      2. Yes, he is.
      3.  No, he so dirty
      4. No, the shutters are opened.
      5. Yes, I think so.
      6.  Yes, he does.
      7. Yes, I guess so.

4.       –
5. 1. The writer feels sure about these guesses.
    2. The writer feels sure about these guesses.
    3. The writer thinks this is possible, but isn’t sure.

6.       Can’t be, might be, must be
7.1. She must be rich. She can’t be poor.
   2. She must be married.
   3. She must be
   4. she might be
   5. They might be charmed
   6. She must be proud

8.       Her name must be Liz, because there’s a birthday card to Liz on the wall.
Her age might about 17 years. Her hobbies and interests are reading a book, painting, and interesting to be a model. Her future plans might be painter or model.

7E. Writing a letter of application

1.  1. They are looking for the widest possible variety of background,appearance,and personality. And they are offering a chance to appear on tv for 15 people.
2.  Participants will spend four months living together  on a pacific island and some will be voted off the island by the viewers every two weeks.
3. You should send a brief handwritten letter (120-150 words) with a photo. And your letter should describe your appearance and personality.

2.       Yes, I think it will make good.
3.       Yes, she does.
4.       Wood, too, cloths, an, he, you’re
5.       The rules are to describe appearance and personality
6.       –
     Edith    Me
Age and Background    20, Immigrant from Hong Kong    19, From Indonesian
Appearance     Photographer    Songwriter
Clothes    Imaginative Clothes    Casual Clothes
Personality    Lively, confident & outgoing    Outgoing & Lively.
Attitude    Like being different, don’t mind what people think    Polite and Like being different
Availability     to participate in the programme     to participate in the studio

7.       The same informations about me are her attitude and her personality.
8.                                                                                                                       13 Depok
Change Your Life TV
PO Box 2998
Bexhill, Surrey

Dear Sir or Madam

I’m writing in response to your advert in EveningTimes for participants in a TV reality show. You said you wanted a variety of people of different apperance personality a background. I think I would be a good candidate for you programme.
I’m 19 years old and I live in Indonesia. I’m height enough. I have got a handsome face & curly hair. I like to wearing causal clothes or jeans. I’m lively and outgoing. I’m polite and I like being different.
I’m working freelance at the moment, so I will be easily available to participate in your programme enclosed.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Your faithfully
Dio Aikel

8A. How to talk on the phone

1.    I use the phone about every 2 hours once, and I use it for communication to my friends and family.
2.   1.  They are a man and a woman. I think they are in restaurant.
      2.  I think the man is talking to his wife
      3. I think he’s lying. Because he’s like dating with a woman.

3. 2 = f (pen ; write it down)
    3 = b (engaged signal ; )
    4 = a (hospital ; had a baby)
    5 = d (extention 483 ; to leave a message)
    6 = c (emergency rescue service ; rescue a broken car)
    7 = e (spray : paint a bike)
4.       –
5.1. Photo 4
   2. Photo 3
   3. Photo 7
   4. Photo 6
   5. Photo 2
   6. Photo 5

6. 1. I’m calling from
    2. I can’t get through
    3. Get the engaged signal
    4. Who’s calling please?
   5. The line’s busy right now
   6. Who you like to leave a message or call back in five minutes?
   7. I’m calling to let you know
   8. Pick it up

7. Hand over = A
    Cut off = B
    Break down =C
    Hang up = D
    Ring back=E
    Get through =F
    Put through =G
   Get away =H
   Hang on =I
   Call by =J
8.1. Broke
   2. Call
   3. Hang
   4. Get
   5. Cut
   6. Put
   7. Hand
   8. Call
   9. Hang

8B. How to talk about ability

1.       I think the nost intelligent animals are dog, dolphine, cat, etc.
2.       I think the most interisting fact is Clever Rico.
     Smart Alex    Clever Rico
Animal    African grey parrot.    Border collie dog.
Human use of animal    Popular pet since ancient egypt.    Sheepdog and can respond to many different whistles.
Language ability    Can identify and can answer complicated questions.    Can understand his owner’s instructions and fetch things.
Why famous?    Because the’re sociable and fun.    Because he could go and get the correct toy from among many in his collection.
Who studied it?    Dr. Irene Pepperberg.    Prof. Julia Fischer
Other animal in text    N’kisi (another African grey parrot)    Horses

4.       –
5.       The more amazing animal is dog.
6.1. c
   2. d
   3. a
   4. b

7.1. Was able to or managed to
   2. Was able to
   3. Could
   4. be
   5. Could
   6. Were able to
   7. Been able

8.       –
adjective    Noun
Able    Ability
Popular    Popularity
Active    Activity
Curious    Curiousity
Real    Reality
Possible    Possibility
9.       –
10.   –

8C. How to report an interview

1. About graduated school, vision and mision,
2. 1. Mr. Goma and Mr. Kewney
    2. Because they went for an interview for IT Job at the BBC
   3. He didn’t get the job, but Mr. Goma became a celebrity.

3. Mr. Goma thought that perhaps the man couldn’t pronounce his surname and answered yes.
4.1. I think he felt  confused.
   2.  When she was talking about the job and the guy replied yes.
   3. Mr. Goma became a celebrity. No, he won’t.
5.Microphone : Something to louder a voice
   Case : About trouble
   Expert : about skill
   Post : Send something

6.1. Before subject
   2. ‘’Where does he live?’
   3. Yes, they are.
   4. No, it’s different.

7.1. She asked me what my name was?
   2. She asked me what did I do?
   3. She asked me where my work was?
   4. She asked me what my natonality was?
   5. She asked me who did I want to see?

8.       -

Closed question    Reported question
Are you Guy Kewney?    He asked him if he was Guy Kewney
Are suprised at what happened?    She wanted to know if he was suprised at what had happened
Will more people download?    She asked guy if more people would download music online in the future

9.1. She asked me what our company did.
   2. He asked me why did I want his CV.
   3. She asked me what my star sign was?
   4. He asked me could he bring his dog to work.
   5.  She asked me would she had to wear shoes.
   6. He asked me was I happily married.
   7.  She asked me did I have a sauna in the building.
   8. He asked me where the company golf course was.

8D. How to report a coversation

1.I think the story tells about vikram that tricked by a man in the station.
2.B. He was tricked.
3. 1. Because it’s the man’s way to believe him.
    2. Maybe because the man didn’t want to look suspicious.
    3. To trust vikram that he didn’t trick him.
    4. When vikram saw that man that asking woman to give him money in the station.
   5. Of course, I would. Because, it’s bad things.

4.1. Asked to help him
   2. Asked to not to worry

5.1. I asked her to wait
   2.  She asked me to not to wait.
   3. I asked him to not to go.
   4. He asked me to go.

6.       -
7.       -
8.Agree = I agree to give him the money
   Advise = He advised me to be careful
   Invite = Invited himto join me for a coffee
   Offer = I offfered to give him five pounds
   Refuse =

8E. Writing A Report

6. 1. However
    2. Because
    3. Such as
    4. If
    5. So

7. 1. Because : to give a reason
    2. Such as : to give an example
    3. So : to introduce a conclusion
    4. If : to introduce a contrasting fact
    5. However : to introduce a possible fact

8. Paragraph 1 : Introduce the topic
    Paragraph 2 : The question conclusion
    Paragraph 3 : Result

9A. How to make small talk

1.       Yes, they are.
2.       1.    E
2.       D
3.       B
4.       A
5.       C
6.       F

3. 1.  Gales
    2.  Blowing   Soaking
    3.  Boiling  Freezing
    4.   Cloud  Stromy
    5.   Pouring  Shining

4. Heat waves in New York cause more crimes.
5. Rain season. Sometimes it’s change my mood.
6.A. 4
   B. 2
   C. 3
   D. 1

7.1. Because most of them are live and work inside.
   2. Because not everybody knows about it
   3. Because they can give clues about wheater
   4. Because it’s very ifluential for our life.
   5. Because  perhaps we really saying ‘I feel cheerful and I’d like chat’.

8.       –
9.       –
10.   -
11.    -
12.   1. Isn’t it?
        2. aren’t they?
        3. don’t we?
        4. is there?
        5. do we?

13.   1. When the paragraph use words ‘’not’’  and ‘’to be’’
        2. When the paragraph is aabout doing something

14.1. Are they
     2. Isn’t it?
     3. is it?
     4. do you? 5. don’t you?

9B. How to talk about your future

1.       About twenty more
2.       B. Fashion and beauty
3.       1. Hair, skin, ring finger,        
4.       I’ll still have the same teeth in five years time, because I definitely won’t grow any new ones.
5.       In five years time, my body will have changed . (C)
6.       Example : 1.My skin will have changed
                  2. I will have grown about ten new sets of fingernails
Complete rules : s + will+ have + v3

7.1. I’ll have had three meals
   2. I’ll have slept for 4 hours
   3. I’ll have had two cups of coffee
   4. I’ll watched tv for 2 hours

8.     –
9.     –
10.   –
11.   1. A = Probably
            B = Unfortunately
            C = Definitely
            D = Hopely

12.   1. I’ll definitely be older
        2. I will definitely have learnt a lot more english
        3. I will probably have grown a new set of toenails
        4. Definitely there will be more people in the world
        5. Hopefully there will be less ice at the North Pole

9C. How to give advice

1.a. Forward                         f. Inside
b. Towards You                   g. Outside
c. Backwards                      h. Uphill
d. Upwards                         i. Downhill
e. Along                               j. Forwards

2.1. Uphill
   2. Outside
   3. backwards

3.1. No, I haven’t.
   2. I think ‘’attacked by shark’’

4.Photo a : If you’re caught in avalanche
   Photo b : If you’re stuck in quicksand
   Photo c : If a bear comes towards you
   Photo d : If you’re attacked by shark
   Photo e : If you see a tornado coming towards you
   Photo f : When you’re in lighting storm
   Photo g : If you’re near  a volcano  and it erupts
   Photo h : if a current pulls you out to sea

5.1. From the context
   2. No, I’m sure about it.

6.1. Climb a tree
   2. Stay calm and wait
   3. Hold on a tree
   4. Swim directly to the beach
   5. Go into a basement and sit under a table
   6. Go inside
   7. Take hold of its gills
   8. Move uphill away from a stream

7.       –
8.       –
9.1. Present tense & Future tense
   2. Main clause
   3. To give advice

10.1. Don’t take  you’ll get
     2. doesn’t be  will hurt
     3. will don’t be able
     4. don’t hurry up will get

11. 1. B. Walk slowly backwards
      2. A. Don’t stand under a tall tree
      3. C. You should stay near the beach
      4. D. You shouldn’t drive fast

9D. How to talk about unreal situations

1.       I have all of them. They are very important for me.
2.       Call number,public car, card cell, book box,
3.       –
4.       I think it’s Dream Programmer
5.       Wheelchair & personal helicopter
6.       –
7.       C. They are about situations which will happen in the future
8.       Past future perfect tense
9.       –
10.   2. Would be  didnt have
        3. Would done attacked
        4. Could have will choosed

11. 1.I’d learn the piano
      2. I’d buy the plane
      3. I’d make people happy
      4. I’d take a woman to accompany me

9E. Writing an opinion

1.       Everytime I always use it.
2.       a. Obviously, private cars are convenient.
          b. Unfortunately, public transport is not an option for me because i live outside the city.


                                                     "Thank You"


                                                    by : Dio Aikel