Senin, 16 Maret 2015

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris


1A. How to talk about the people in your life

       1. Mother, Father, Son, Grandfather, Grandmother, Aunt, Uncle, Wife, Husband, Daughter, Boy, etc...
       2.              Aunt   = Female
           Uncle =  Male
           Mother = Female
           Father  =Male
          GrandMother = Female
          Grandfather = Male
          Wife = Female
          Husband = Male
       3.       A= friend, b=  Neighbour, c= best friend, d= partner, e f g= younger sister, h= wanda, i= mother, j= step father, k= Stan’s son, l=father, m= Step-mother, n= colleague, o= ex-boyfriend.
       4.       a. Fatima
       b. Mrs. Mirren
       c. Stan
       d. Tom
       e. Ray
       f. Grace
       g. Sandra
       h. Wanda
       i. Tina
       j. Costas
       k. Danny
       l. Harry
      m. Roxette
      n. Tracey
      o. Warren
9.   Tom loves Wanda
      Sandra married Ray
      Warren visited
      Warren loves Wanda
       Forgot her key
       Tina divorced Harry
  10.a. Who does Tom love?
       b.  Who did sandra marry?
       c.  Who did warren visit?
       d.  Who loves  wanda?
       e. Who forgot the key?
       f. Who did Harry divorce?

11. Question number  1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 are subject and question number 2 is object.

12.  A :Who is the Wanda’s boss?
       B : Tom.                         
14. A : Is Yoga your brother?
       B : Yes, he is my brother

15. A : Does your brother live near you?
       B : Yes, he does.
       A : Who do you speak to most on the phone?

       B : My girlfriend

1B. How to talk about greeting customs

       1. a. Put your hand on the other person’s shoulder
 b. Kiss each other on the cheeks
 c. Kiss each other on the lips
 d. Hug each other
 e. Shake hand with each other
 f. Bow
 g. Wafe
2. I shake my hand with my friends and I put my hand on my friend’s shoulder...
3.     a. True          
         c.  True
         d. False
         e. True
         f. True
         g. True
7.   /mis/ Miss                  /miz/ Ms
              /misiz/ Mrs                  /mister/ Mr
9.  1. C    
     3. A
11. You say ‘Hi’ to your friend and inroduce yourself to the people.
                The people stand up and introduce themselves to you.
 12. a. Each other
       b. By myself
        c. Yourself
        d. Each other
        e. Each other
         f. By Himself
         g. Myself

1C. How to explain who people are
             1.       No, I don’t. But I like it.
             2.       a.  She is Princess Margarita
             b. The Painter is Diego Velazquez and I don’t what he is painting.
       3.   Number 2
       4.   1. On the right
             2. At theback
             3. At the front of
 4. On the left
 5. In the middle of
 6. To the right
 7. Behind (the girl)
 8. In front (of the girl)
 9. To the left

        5.    1. In front & Behind
                2. On the left & On the right

        6.    Where is isabel?
                She’s standing to the right of Margarita. 

        8.  1. Present continous
             2. Simple Present
             3. Simple Present
             4. Simple Present
             5. Simple Present
             6. Present Continous
             7. Present Continous
             8. Simple Present
             9. Simple Present
       9. 1. Wants/ Touches
           2. Hold/Think
           3. Is painting/ paints
           4. Spend/ Is helping
           5. Talk/ Work
           6. Like/ Write

     10. Rule a - I like European Films
           Rule b – I always go to school everyday
           Rule c – She lives in Depok
           Rule d – He is looking at her
           Rule e – I’m learning to play guitar

11. Bagas wants something to drink.

1D. How to correct a misunderstanding
             1.       1 (B)
             2 (C)
             3 (A)
             2.       Actually  : 1
              Large       : 3
              Smoking : 3
              Apple      : 1
              Novel      : 1
              Taxi          : 1
             Camera  : 1
              Parent    : 3
              Tennis     : 1
              Exit           : 3
              Police      : 1

            3.        Yes, I can. I think they could.

            4.       Weight sounds the same as wait
             The Doctor meant Weight
             The young man understood wait
            5.       (4) Buying fruit
             (2) Chatting at work
             (3) Crossword
             (1) English Class
      6.  Right sounds same as write
           Flu sounds same as flew
           Why sounds same as Y
           Pair sounds same as
      7.       A (Day)
      Q (New)
      I (Fly)
      F (Jeff)
      L (Spell)
      M (Them)
      N (Pen)
      S (Dress)
      X (Neck)
      O (Know)
      R (Car)
      Z (Bed)

 8.       1. B
                    2.  A
                    3. Q
                    4. Y
                    5. A (Day) 

1E. Writing A self-introduction

       1.       A. Wanda’s writing to people she doesnt know.
        B. Wanda wants to learn new things
        C. Wanda’s sending a photo in the post
 2.     (3) My general background and interest
         (4) My hope for the future
         (1) Greeting
         (6) Goodbye
         (5) My interest in the topic of the discussion  group
         (2) My name and how I heard about the discussion group                 
  3.     a. Dear
          b. invited by Tony G
          c. 24, Nothing Hill, Secretary, Japan , Yoga,
          d. Photos of people, capture personality, sending photo, want learn more, contribute,
          e. Best wishes,
           f. Wanda J

   4.     a. Dear
           b. Invited
           c. 19, Depok
           d. Guitarist, playing guitar, Hard Rock, Contribute
            e. Best wishes
            f. Dio Aikel
       5.    No, I don't.
       6.     He should change the third paragraph becomes the fifth paragraph, change the fourth paragraph becomes the third paragraph & change the fifth paragraph becomes the third paragraph.

      UNIT 2

2A. How to talk about your background
Religious groups
Regions/parts of continents
Central America
The middle east
The south pacific
East Africa

2.  additional:
Religious groups
Regions/parts of continents
East asia

4.    well, in photo 7 there’s a mayan girl, maybe 6 years old
        Yanomami women at number 8 is definitely not married

Use the before
Don’t use the before
Mountain ranges - the alps
Regions - polynesia
Rivers – the nile
Single mountain – mount everest
Oceans and seas – the atlantik
Countries - india
Island groups – north islands
Continents - asia
Desert – the Arabian desert
Single islands – the canary islands
Some countries* - the uniteds states
Cities - london
Some regions* -  the far east
Lakes – lake victoria

          9.           1.                     Lake Titicaca is in the andes mountain
                        2.         the atlas mountains are north of sahara desert
                        3.                     Baffin island is in the Canada
                        4.                     lake Victoria is in the Africa
                        5.                     Jordan is in the middle east
                        6.                     Polynesia is in the pacific ocean
                        7.                     Britain is also called the united kingdom                

Spelling rule
The letter c =
The letter g usually =
Before e, i, y
The pasific
Before any other letter or at the end of a word
The artic

2B.  How to talk about tourism
             1.       The foods of my country is famous...
             2.       Place that tourist visit = London
                    Food = Apple pie
                    Weather = Hot, Cold
                    Nasional Symbols = The Three Lions
            3. Place that tourist visit = Big Ben in London  
             4.       a. Sometimes
              b. Usually
              c. Always
              d. Always
              e. Always
              f.  Rarely

5.     a. Yes, because they
b. Because the tourist wanted to buy shoes for their family, because they have bussines and         they are students.
         c. because they
         d. Because they have old-fashioned ideas of Britain
         e. Because the tourist wanted to buy shoes for their family.

6.     Yes, maybe I would do the same things.
    10.       1. Always, sometimes, often, quite often, usually, never, hardly ever, rarely
                2.  can>could, may>might, shall>should, will>would, must, ought, need and dare
                3. they, we, I, you.

     11.       2. I go aboard on my holidays. I never go aboard on my holiday. I prefer to go to fishing
                 3. I eat Chinese food. I often eat Chinese food
                 4. tourists are interested in the history of my country. Tourist are rarely interested in the   history of my own country.
                 5. foreigners have old fashioned ideas of my country. foreigners have old fashioned    ideas of my country.
                 6. I visit the usual tourist sights in my own country. I hardly ever visit the usual tourist sights in my own country. 

2C. How to describe objects

1.       Material : Iron
Shape & Size : Little,
Part of object : Bottom, Under, Middle,
2.       h = water pot f = chair wood
3.       4 = Fishing Floats 2=Baseball Glove 5= Mate Cup and straw 3= Potato Masher
1 = Wooden Headrest

4.       1 (j) 2(l) 3(d) 4(a) 5(b)
5. -
6.       1 = f, j,k
2 = b
3 =  h
4 = k
5 = l
6 = i

7.       This item made of wood.
The metal tube is used as a straw for drinking the tea.
The metal tube is used as a straw for drinking the tea.
The top part is covered with silver.
This item is a kind of glove made of leather.
Looks like

8.       2. It isn’t a glove, but you can to catch the ball
3. It’s not made of leather, but you can use it as tubes for your fingers
4. it isn’t a water carrier, but you can to carry water to drinking

10. What's this made of?
       It's made of leather

2D. How to tell the Anecdote

       1.       I visited Bandung last years. The water were so cold and the people were so good.
       2.       Good thing          : He was feeling better.
Bad thing             : The first week he didn’t go out much, because he had a terrible cold.
       3.       maybe he was the flu, because he was disposing of snot using tissue

       4.      true, the picture shows people who are wasting snot

 5. 1.         next time he needed to blow nose he decided to leave the  table and go to the   
           toilet.     He didn’t know where to put her chopstick. So he stuck in her bowl of rice.
2.              to be more careful in the act

  6. feeling, covering

   7. past simple : my cold was not quite  finished and my nose was still running a little
                            Past continous : I was feeling quite please with myself
   9. the next time I needed to blow my nose.

   10. I lived in spain. During the first day, I didn’t go out because I had a cold. The next
            Time, I was feeling better. Some friend invited me out to eat. We met at ten and went to a bar. 

  2E. Writing An Intercultural Experience

1.       Yes, I think they are.
2.       No, I can’t remember.
3.       Going on Holiday – The British Cup of Coffee – A different way of doing things
4.       2. True
3. true
4. true
5. true
6. false
7. false
5.   1. Three
       2. more than one sentence
       3. the context 
       4. the main event
       5. the result of main event
6.  The place (Paragraph 1)
     Where I was when the event happened (Paragraph 2)
      What happened in the end & What I learned (Paragraph 3)

7.       When and where I went, the place, where I was when the event happened, turned, etc.
8.        No, I don’t.

     UNIT 3

3A. How to talk about your schooldays
           1.       Yes , I do agree...
           2.       School subjects : History, maths, Economic, Sains, etc
            Things in the classroom : Blackboard, Chair, Table, etc
            Events in the school day and year : Break, Ceremony, etc
            Places in school : Playground, Classs, Office, Toilet, Canteen
           3.       A
           4.       a. Classs, Canteen,
           b. She’s good at everything, plqaying clarinet, hockey team,  ran around field.
           d.Yes. He does..
e.      Bernadette loved  the writer too, but she too shy to say it.
            5.       *Bernadette used to sit at the front of the class.
            *She used to sing well in assembly.
             *I used to smile at her.
      6.   A. True
            B. False
      7. 1. x 
            2. <-
            3. x got off
            4. <-
            5. x in = with
        8. (+) He used to sing
               (-)  He didn’t use to sing
                (?) Did he use to love her?

9.     2. Bernadette used to eat an apple in the break one day.
     3.She didn’t use to speak to me when we were at school.
      5. Did you used to fancy anybody in your class?
10. The walls didn’t use to be white. They used to be green.

3B. How to talk about your achievements
              1.       I’ve learned to play guitar and I’d like to write a song.
              2.       1. Achieve = Achievement
              2. Fail = Failed
              3. Keep Trying = Keep doing sth
              4. Succeed =  Succeeded
              5. Succeed =
             6. sth difficult = Give up sth

       3.     2. He succeeded in passing his exams.
                3. He never  try to give up.
                4. His teachers are pleasing with achievements
                5. He has been successful in learning to write.
     6.       b. true
                c. false
                d. true
                e. True
                f. True

7.       a. Because he was invited to speak at the United Nations about the importance of free          primary education.
           b. Because kimani was a successful student.
           c. Because he wants to tell the world leaders that all childern should be able to go to school and freedom means going to school and learning.

8.       I didn’t study much last week (Past Simple)
           Have you achieved much this year? (Present Perfect)
           I visited Kenya in 2002 (Past Simple)
           She has phoned three times in the last few minutes (Present Perfect)
           What did you learnwhen you started? (Past Simple)
           What have you learnt  since you started? (Present Perfect)

9.       Last week, last year, In 2002, a few minutes ago, when you started (Past Simple)
Today, this week, this year, once in my life, in the last few minutes, since you started (Present Perfect)

10.   2. Have
3. Haven’t achieved
4. Didn’t achieve

       11.   2. In your life
                3. In my life
                4. In your life

       12. I’ve never been to China
                I’ve loved cute girl
                I’ve been waiting for a girl like her

       13.  A :What have you done this year?
                B : I’ve tried to write a song for a girl
                A : Oh really? Who’s that girl
                B : Yes, the girl that gave me inspiration.

3C.  How to offer hospitality
         1.       Yes I do agree of at all...
         2.       Yes, he is.
         3.       I think he feels happy in his dream.
         4.       S
         5.       1= make up
          2= turn on
          3 = take off
          4 = put away
          5 = Turn up
         6 = Put on
         6.       He took them off
          He took his shoes off
          7.       B. True
          C. We turned our mobile phones on.
          D. Can you turn it up, please?
          E. Take them off!
8.    a. Get up
       b. Wake up
       c. Hurry up
       d. Something new
        e. I’m fed up
         f. Don’t get up
         g. Help yourself
9.   a. I was teenager
      b. Wake
      c. Make up
      d. Supposed to shout at me
      e. Take off
       f. Carry on

3D.  How to talk about your education and career
        1.       We start primary school at the age of four or five.
        2.       Degree
        3.       1. departement
         2. College
         3. School
         4. Faculty
         5. School
         6. Professor
         7. Teacher
         8. classses
4.   Advantages : 1. Get a big house, a nice car, safe job.
                Disadvantages : Lose a job
5.  Secure job, further education college, etc
6.   Teach German in a private and never going to be rich but it’s a secure job.
7. Graduation, Application, Photography, Publicity.
15. If my career is still very short, I would make something new and unique of my passion in music and it will my real career.

16. Carrer is most similiar to me.

3     E. A CV
Bad a maths

2. Lazy, Bad a mats. Of course not, because it make me like a lazy employed.
3. 1. Geography fail.
    2. Not very communicative in the working.
    3. on employed 
    4. English teacher, Frech teacher,Tour guide.
    8. I always think and imagine that my passion to be guitarist and songwriter will come true.
    9. My CV